
About Us


Years of Research


Years of Practice

We've Perfected The Dow Theory

Compiling data since the late 1800’s and a proprietary database from 1953, we have developed one of the most accurate market timing systems in existence.

We are a two-generation family-run company that specializes in delivering market timing indicators to assist serious investors achieve personal financial success. Leveraging over a century of experience, our subscribers enjoy the benefit of knowing when it is an appropriate time to be 100% invested50/50, and when to stay out!

We believe that with accurate, objective market-timing advice, you do not have to lose what you have saved for, and you can participate in the gains that the market gives.

TheDowTheory.com is the premier stock market major-trend timing Newsletter with documented and verified long term records which set the standard for market timing.

Take a look around, and please accept our invitation to join our growing list of subscribers.

A person watching the tide coming in and who wishes to know the exact spot which marks the high tide, sets a stick in the sand at the points reached by the incoming waves until the stick reaches a position where the waves do not come up to it, and finally recede enough to show that the tide has turned. This method holds good in watching and determining the flood tide of the stock market.

We have developed a monthly newsletter for our subscribers that delivers years of objective research and results to your inbox.

Our subscribers knew when to buy-in in 2002 and when to sell out in November of 2007 and then re-buy in February and March of 2009 and stay fully invested for most of the market’s run into 2018. At that time we warned of an upcoming Bear market which did occur briefly at the end of 2018, and again in early 2020 targeted a stock market top.

After that Bear market we returned to fully invested in early April 2020 and have stayed that way into late 2021 as we looked again for the next Bear market to come along.

We invite you to look around our site and decide for yourself if your investments deserve to have the same advantage that our subscribers enjoy.

Schannep’s book is definitely a great one and makes a wonderful job in presenting an updated version of the Dow Theory while respecting its essentials. It is written from a real investor to the real investor. It is a no-nonsense book.

Meet Our Team

Market Timing Experts with Decades of Experience

Jack Schannep

Manuel Blay

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