Category: Dow Theory

What should I do if I missed the Dow Theory bull signals for the SPY? Dow Theory’s second chance: The Transports Continue Reading

What should I do if I missed the Dow Theory bull signals for the SPY? Dow Theory’s second chance: The Transports

posted on: October 8, 2012

Latecomers’ new opportunity to be long stocks  In my post “What should I do if I missed the Dow Theory bull signals for the SPY and GLD? Dow Theory’s second chance: The first secondary reaction” which you can read here I explained how latecomers could join in the bull crowd. However, the ideas advanced in […]

Can Dow Theory be applied to foreign and to non-stock markets? Continue Reading

Can Dow Theory be applied to foreign and to non-stock markets?

posted on: October 5, 2012

This “Dow Theory Investment” blog is gaining traction and, to be sincere, it is attracting more following than I initially expected. Unjustly, the Dow Theory tends to be badmouthed, and hence I thought it would be a dull subject for most readers. So I am happy to see that there is a growing readership. My […]

Why do I only write about the Dow Theory? Continue Reading

Why do I only write about the Dow Theory?

posted on: October 4, 2012

In German, they have a saying that goes: “Schusterbleibt bei deinen Leisten”which translates into Englishas “Clobber,stick to youtrade.” Inother words: Stay focused. For most investors, the Dow Theory is justan extra tool in their toolbox.It lookstoo simple to bethe consideredthe maintool. Furthermore, sinceit looksso simple,everyone believes thata cursoryreading of themain tenetsof DowTheory makes themexperts and, […]

Stock markets forming a „line“: What does it mean under Dow Theory? Continue Reading

Stock markets forming a „line“: What does it mean under Dow Theory?

posted on: October 3, 2012

Follow up to the Dow Theory update for Oct 3 As I said earlier this evening I see that the SPY and the Industrials are forming a so called “line”. What’s a line? I will use Rhea’s definition to understand what a “line” is under Dow Theory. According to him: “A line is a price […]

Dissecting a secondary reaction under Dow Theory Continue Reading

Dissecting a secondary reaction under Dow Theory

posted on: October 2, 2012

Result: No secondary reaction yet As I promised yesterday, here you have an updated chart of the Industrials, Transports and the SPY and the implication to be derived from a Dow Theory standpoint. As you can see, only the Transports have fulfilled the requirements for a secondary reaction to exist. The Industrials haven’t even corrected […]

Dow Theory update for October 1: Markets up. No technical changes…yet Continue Reading

Dow Theory update for October 1: Markets up. No technical changes…yet

posted on: October 1, 2012

A secondary correction may happen any time now On Friday, Sept 28, the stock market had been trending lower for the last 10 trading days (for the SPY and Transports). This is the minimum time requirement for a secondary reaction to exist. However, for a secondary reaction to exist it is necessary that two of […]

Plain vanilla Dow Theory? Or does Dow Theory come in many flavors? IV and final Continue Reading

Plain vanilla Dow Theory? Or does Dow Theory come in many flavors? IV and final

posted on: September 29, 2012

 Part IV. Recap and main tenets of my own “flavor” Continued from this post: All in all: If you want the best advice, follow both Russell and Schannep. Both are great Dow Theorists and both are alive. Take advantage of it! Is any one of the Dow Theory “flavors” we have hitherto analyzed to […]

Dow Theory update for Sept 28: Markets down with no technical consequences Continue Reading

Dow Theory update for Sept 28: Markets down with no technical consequences

posted on: September 28, 2012

It was Charles Dow, father of the Dow Theory, who said that in the world of investing you have to “exercise enough patience for six men.” He meant by this that the markets don’t accommodate our wishes and even the best laid out investment plan may take time to materialize. The Dow Theorist investing along […]

Dow Theory update for Sept 27: Bull markets don’t die easily Continue Reading

Dow Theory update for Sept 27: Bull markets don’t die easily

posted on: September 27, 2012

Gold and Silver on the verge of breaking out prior highs Today all markets I monitor closed up. What else can I say? The primary bull market remains intact and the long awaited secondary correction (which would be a good opportunity for latecomers to be long stocks and precious metals as you can read here) […]

Do the Transports still matter under Dow Theory? Continue Reading

Do the Transports still matter under Dow Theory?

posted on: September 27, 2012

 Should other indices be included? What indices should be taken into account in order to apply Dow Theory? This is a thorny issue where disagreement reigns among the Dow Theorist fraternity. I hope this blog helps little by little to set the record straight. This post is a small contribution to this noble end. Some […]

Dow Theory update for Sept 26:  Finally, we get a 3% pullback Continue Reading

Dow Theory update for Sept 26: Finally, we get a 3% pullback

posted on: September 26, 2012

However, precious metals still resilient The three stock indices I monitor closed down for the day and we get some news which I would label of “tertiary” importance. I see three kinds of movements. The first is the primary trend or primary movement which may span more than one year. The second one is the […]

Dow Theory update for Sept 25: All markets down. No technical damage yet Continue Reading

Dow Theory update for Sept 25: All markets down. No technical damage yet

posted on: September 25, 2012

Talk about resilience!! The long awaited secondary reaction hasn’t materialized yet, all the big declines of today notwithstanding. Today all the markets we monitor closed down. However, as I noted yesterday, not even a minor insignificant low has been broken yet. I quote from yesterday’s post which you can find here However, the decline experienced […]

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