Category: Dow Theory

Dow Theory Special Issue: Schannep and I brainstorming about the last Dow Theory signal (IV) Continue Reading

Dow Theory Special Issue: Schannep and I brainstorming about the last Dow Theory signal (IV)

posted on: December 9, 2014

 Comments to the comment posted by Mike Parker An avid reader of this Dow Theory blog, Mike Parker, raised very interesting points concerning the last Dow Theory signal “saga”  which you can read here: here: and here: In the lines that follow I will include his comment (in black) whereas my answers […]

Dow Theory Special Issue: Schannep and I brainstorming about the last Dow Theory signal (III) Continue Reading

Dow Theory Special Issue: Schannep and I brainstorming about the last Dow Theory signal (III)

posted on: December 8, 2014

Schannep’s answer to my explanations and further comments thereto  Continued from Part I and II: This thid part contains Schannep’s answer to my email (see part II) where I dissected the reading made by other Dow Theorists. This third part only contains Schannep’s answer (in blue, as he was a bull). At the […]

Dow Theory Update for December 3: Why the Dow Theory works. Its non-parametric nature Continue Reading

Dow Theory Update for December 3: Why the Dow Theory works. Its non-parametric nature

posted on: December 3, 2014

A greak book on momentum I recommend. I have just read a very interesting investment book entitled “Dual Momentum Investing: An Innovative Strategy for Higher Returns with Lower Risk” by Gary Antonacci. It is a very well researched book written, though, by a practitioner. The main thesis of the book is that relative strength (i.e. […]

Dow Theory Special Issue: Schannep and I brainstorming about the last Dow Theory signal (II) Continue Reading

Dow Theory Special Issue: Schannep and I brainstorming about the last Dow Theory signal (II)

posted on: November 25, 2014

Part II: dissecting the readings of the market made by other Dow Theorists.   Continued from Part I: This second part is a continuation of my email to Schannep. Here I dissect the reading made by other Dow Theorists. Some of them saw (as I did but maybe for the wrong reasons) a primary bear […]

Dow Theory Special Issue: Schannep and I brainstorming about the last Dow Theory signal. Continue Reading

Dow Theory Special Issue: Schannep and I brainstorming about the last Dow Theory signal.

posted on: November 19, 2014

Was it a primary bear market signal or just a normal secondary reaction? PART I Readers of this blog know that the last primary bear market signal was not an easy one to discern (or at least was not so much textbook-like). After writing about a primary bear market signal on this Dow Theory blog, […]

Dow Theory Special Issue: Happy anniversary 1987 crash! How did the Dow Theory fare? Continue Reading

Dow Theory Special Issue: Happy anniversary 1987 crash! How did the Dow Theory fare?

posted on: October 17, 2014

27 years ago, on October 17th, 1987 we had a crash that we will not forget. Did the Dow Theory leave investors unscathed? Go to this post I published two years ago, and judge for yourself. Sincerely, The Dow Theorist.

Dow Theory Special Issue: After the dust hast settled: Commentary to the Dow Theory primary bear market signal Continue Reading

Dow Theory Special Issue: After the dust hast settled: Commentary to the Dow Theory primary bear market signal

posted on: October 16, 2014

Trends in gold and silver have not changed Let’s make a brief recap. Yesterday I announced that stocks are under a primary bear market. You can find the details here. The primary bull market started on June 24th, 2013 (on that they were made the final primary bear market lows). The primary bull market was […]

Dow Theory Update for June 17: When Dow Theorist lose it (II). Some bullish reasons, which may be wrong (as with all fundamentals) to give pause to the bears. Continue Reading

Dow Theory Update for June 17: When Dow Theorist lose it (II). Some bullish reasons, which may be wrong (as with all fundamentals) to give pause to the bears.

posted on: June 17, 2014

Is Zero Hedge giving the “fundamental” answer?   Yesterday I took to task those Dow Theorists, who, betraying their trade (pun intended), ignore the technical messages of the market. I wrote that many fundamentalists were scratching their head with unbelief because they consider the stock market irrational. According to them, stocks are expensive, the economy […]

Dow Theory Update for June 16: When Dow Theorists lose it. Russell or how to put aside the Dow Theory and miss a bull market. Continue Reading

Dow Theory Update for June 16: When Dow Theorists lose it. Russell or how to put aside the Dow Theory and miss a bull market.

posted on: June 16, 2014

Trends remain unchanged   Recently, Richard Russell, of the Dow Theory Letters, considered by some as the dean of the Dow Theorists has written: “A primary bear market in the stock market and the US economy began in 2007. The bear market in the US economy is continuing to this day. But the Federal Reserve […]

Coiled markets and the Dow Theory: A closer look to TLT and IEF ETFs Continue Reading

Coiled markets and the Dow Theory: A closer look to TLT and IEF ETFs

posted on: April 28, 2014

In my last post, I wrote about consolidations I see occurring in several markets. Well, let’s take a look at interest rates (TLT and IEF, the 20+ years and 7-10 years bonds ETFs, respectively). It will be a very cursory analysis, as my time remains in short supply. Here you have the vital chart which […]

Dow Theory special issue: Dow Theory Review for 2013. Continue Reading

Dow Theory special issue: Dow Theory Review for 2013.

posted on: January 3, 2014

Putting 2013 in perspective Let’s briefly recap how our Dow Theory analysis fared in 2013. Did we do a good job at determining the primary trend of the markets? This post should be an eye-opener for many skeptics. US Stocks The year began on January 2 with a primary bull market signal, as you can […]

Face off: Schannep versus “classical” Dow Theory Continue Reading

Face off: Schannep versus “classical” Dow Theory

posted on: November 22, 2013

  Part V. Performance comparison under secular bear markets This post was overdue. But time constraints prevented me from writing it before. This is the last post of the saga “Face-off: Schannep versus classical Dow Theory”. As you well know, until now, four posts have analyzed the Schannep’s Dow Theory and Rhea’s (classical) Dow Theory […]

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