Dissecting a secondary reaction under Dow Theory

Manuel Blay

Result: No secondary reaction yet

As I promised yesterday, here you have an updated chart of the Industrials, Transports and the SPY and the implication to be derived from a Dow Theory standpoint.
As you can see, only the Transports have fulfilled the requirements for a secondary reaction to exist. The Industrials haven’t even corrected for 10 trading days (since its last highs were made on 09/20/2012. And the SPY although it has corrected for more than 10 days, it hasn’t even reached the critical 3% threshold for a downward movement to qualify as a secondary reaction.
However, one of the main tenets of the Dow Theory is that any movement (i.e. a secondary reaction) to be valid must be confirmed by two indices. This is not the case as of this writing and hence we have to conclude that the very light downward movement doesn’t even qualify as a secondary reaction.
This has two implications for investors:
a)      For latecomers the “sweet” entry point is not ready yet. If you don’t understand this sentence you should read this post  What should I do if I missed the Dow Theory bull signals for the SPY and GLD? Dow Theory’s second chance: The first secondary reaction” which you can find here 
b)      For those already “in” we still cannot raise our trailing stops which continue fixed at the June 4 bear market lows. More on how to place stops under Dow Theory here 
Here the chart:
Under Dow Theory only the Transports are experiencing  secondary reaction unconfirmed by other indices
Here the details as to the relevant figures to appraise the existence of a secondary reaction:
Last primary leg primary movement up
LAST HIGH 147.24  09/14/2012
PRIOR LOW 128.1 06/04/2012
Amount primary  0.14941452
Correction until Sep 28, 2012.
LAST HIGH 147.24  09/14/2012
Last low recorded 143.97  09/28/2012
pullback down -0.02220864  doesn’t qualify as a correction
total up leg 19.14  points
total correct 3.27  points
% secondary
corrected  0.17084639  far for retracing at least 1/3 of prior leg up
Industrials Warning: Industrials haven’t corrected for 10 days
Last primary leg primary movement up
LAST HIGH 13596.93  09/20/2012
PRIOR LOW 12101.46 06/04/2012
Amount primary  0.12357765
Correction until Sep 28, 2012.
LAST HIGH 13596.93  09/14/2012
Last low recorded 13437.1  09/28/2012
pullback down -0.01175486  doesn’t qualify as a correction
total upleg 1495.47  points
total correct 159.83  points
% secondary
corrected  0.1068761  far for retracing at least 1/3 of prior leg up


Last primary leg primary movement up
LAST HIGH 5215.97  09/14/2012
PRIOR LOW 4847.73 06/04/2012
Amount primary  0.07596133
Correction until Sep 28, 2012.
LAST HIGH 5215.97  09/14/2012
Last low recorded 4892.62  09/28/2012
pullback down -0.0619923  Qualifies as a correction
total upleg 368.24  points
total correct 323.35  points
% secondary
corrected  0.87809581  It has retraced more than 1/3 qualifies as a correction
The Dow Theorist
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