Free virtual Event at the MoneyShow. Join me to learn how to build a Dow Theory-based portfolio with ETFs

Manuel Blay

Free virtual Event at the MoneyShow. Join me to learn how to build a Dow Theory-based portfolio with ETFs

 Mark the date: Sept. 27, 2022 (12:50 pm to 1:20 pm EDT)


Join me Live in Person at the Virtual MoneyShow next September 27, 2022 (12:50 pm to 1:20 pm EDT).I will explain how to use the Dow Theory to trade all kinds of ETFs, to build a diversified portfolio with marked drawdown reduction and significant outperformance with just a few trades per year. You will learn how to avoid bear markets and deep corrections and get aboard with the ETFs that stand to profit most when a new bull market starts. Finally, I will explain that defensive sectors are not the best way to protect your portfolio.

Save a complimentary free spot while space remains and set a reminder to join me live on any streaming device, by clicking on the link below. 

I hope to see you there,


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Manuel Blay

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